Every Thursday

Thursday Prayer Meetings

One Church: 2734 S Washington St, Kokomo, IN US 46902

Room: The Chapel

We have two prayer times available on Thursdays that we would love for you to participate in!

Lunch Time Prayer Gathering happens in the Chapel from 12-1 PM. From 12-12:30 PM, you are welcome to stop in and pray, and come and go as needed. From 12:30-1 PM, we have Prayer & Share time where we stay and pray with others for our own needs, as well as needs within the church. This time is led by Joyce Ayers. If you have any questions, please contact her at 765.480.9774.

Our Intercessors for Freedom prayer group gathers in the evenings from 6-7:30 PM in the Chapel. This group focuses on learning about, educating others, and advocating for those in human trafficking. This group is led by Patty Parton. If you have any questions, please contact her at 765.419.1933.

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